judo uniforms, kung fu uniforms, ninja uniforms, karate uniforms jiu jitsu uniforms, taekwondo uniforms, martial arts uniforms belts, shoes.
Soccer balls, match balls, basket balls, basket balls, handballs, hand balls, indoor balls, beach balls, rugby balls, sala balls, volley balls, volley balls, training balls, promotional balls, club balls, flag balls, mini balls.
Saddlery, horse chaps, veterinary instruments.
Sports uniforms, leg brace, thigh brace, wrist brace, hosiery.
Veterinary items Balling Gun Bull nose rings castration forceps ear tags Foot Rot Shear Hoof Nipper Hoof Rasps.
Hoof scraper Hoof Tester Mouth gags Obstetric Pig Holders Teat instruments Teat Slitters.
Labels: Miscellany
Labels: Miscellany
افسوس کہ فرعون کو لوڈ شیڈنگ کی نہ سوجھی
تھینکُو اور آداب "ارض" ہے ـ
Labels: Miscellany
جٹ اُسے کہتے ہیں جس نے تھری پیس کے نیچے جوگرز پہنے
ہوں، یہ قوم اس وقت تک نہیں پہچانی جا سکتی جب تک کہ اردو
نہ بولے ۔۔۔۔۔ ایک فائیو سٹار میں بیٹھے جٹ صاحب نے ویٹرکو بلا
کر کہا ۔۔۔۔۔۔!!!
"میری چائے میں "کھانڈ" کم کیوں ہے؟"
ویٹر نے معذرت خواہانہ انداز میں کہا ۔۔۔۔۔ "سوری سر! میں
دوسری چائے لے آتا ہوں"
جٹ صاحب بولے ۔۔۔۔۔ "اوکے ۔۔۔۔۔ لیکن ذرا "چھیتی" آنا ۔۔۔۔"
ویٹر کو چائے لانے میں دیر ہو گئی، جٹ صاحب کڑکے!
اے مسٹر ۔۔۔۔۔ میں "چروکنے" کا یہاں تمہاری چائے کے
انتظار میں بیٹھا ہوں، جاؤ چائے واپس لے جاؤ ورنہ میں
تمہارے منہ پر "ڈول" دوں گا ۔
مصتنصر حسین تارڑ لکھتے ہیں:
گجرات کے چودہری اگرچہ میرے ہم قبیلہ جاٹ ہیں لیکن مجال
ہے انہوں نے کبھی کہا ہوکہ بھئی تارڑ تم بھی گجرات کے ہو
اور ہمارے جاٹ بھائی ہو - دراصل جاٹوں کی خصلت ہے کہ
وہ دوسرے جاٹوں کو قریب نہیں آنے دیتے اور وارث شاہ نے
کیا پتے کی بات کی تھی کہ جٹ یعنی جاٹ، بھینسا اور
مگرمچھ اپنے قبیلے کے ہی بیری ہوتے ہیں۔
Labels: Haha
There are three things that occur as you get older. Your eyesight dims,
your hearing fades... and I can't remember the third one.
Labels: Miscellany
You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should treat them by means of your moral conduct. -Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him-
Even those who are rude to you
Not because they are not nice
But because you are nice...
Labels: Inspirational
There are at least two reasons to have nuclear power plants. First off, they are used to produce electricity, which is used to provide homes and businesses with power, and also to provide ships with power for propulsion. Nuclear power was even once tested for powering aircraft.
A second reason to have nuclear power plants is to make isotopes that do not occur in nature. These may be used for the purpose of making nuclear bombs. They are often also used for making nuclear tracers for medical testing, for treatment, or for special chemical purposes, such as causing special types of phosphorescent pigments to glow. This last use was much more common in the 1920's through the middle of the 1940's, when no one knew that radioactivity was so dangerous; nevertheless, there are certain applications for which its use continues.
A third reason to have a nuclear power plant, though it might not be used in the United States, is to produce heat for other purposes, such as desalinization.
Labels: Miscellany
Well, a fake friend will always talk about you behind your back and a real friend will always stand up for you.
A real friend will tell you the truth no matter how much it hurts. S/he well tell you because she cares about you.
Everybody has this feeling where they say is this person a true or a fake friend
Whoever is reading this is a great person because not a lot of people ask themselves this question and don't really care as long as they have friends.
Labels: Miscellany
Laughter is an emotional release similar to crying, brought upon by a mild mental stress rather than an emotional stress. It happens when the mind has some notion of an expectation and then that expectation is replaced by something unexpected.
From sudden emotion created by humorous activities performed by others or by themselves.
-When they're happy and feeling good.
- Sometimes to prevent crying.
-Someone tickled them.
-It feels good to laugh.
Labels: Miscellany
Labels: My likings
Today I was again rambling over the web and got some funny stuff, here it goes:
Why do you give bad answers?
Because you ask bad questions.
Who am I?
A weirdo with nothing better to do than to write who am I.
Why do red cows have white milk when they eat green grass?
Cows are not red! They are blue. Seriously.
Where is the TV remote?
Check your couch cushions, Hopefully it's in the last place you
look, cause if it isn't, you would be pretty foolish.
What is something you wear beginning with d?
Why are husbands jerks?
Husbands belong to the genus homo idioticus. Somehow when women marry them, they have the ability to turn a perfectly reasonable male into this genus.
Is 40 old?
No, not at all.
To a teenager, forty is ancient. To a forty year old, forty is still young. To a 60 year old, forty is still a child. To an 80 year old, forty is just a baby.
If you had everything where would you put it?
In an everything container because I would have everything.
Bubye for now...
Labels: Haha
Here the words go...
بلبل ز تو آموختہ شیریں سخنی را سخنی را سخنی را
ہر کس کہ لب لعل ترا دیدہ بہ دل گفت
حقا کہ چہ خوش کندہ عقیق یمنی را یمنی را یمنی را
خیاط ازل دوختہ قامت زیبا
در قد توایں جا مئہ سرو چمنی را چمنی را چمنی را
در عشق تو دندان شکست است بہ الفت
تو جامہ رسا نید اویس قرنی را قرنی را قرنی را
ازجامی بے چارا رسانید سلامے
بر در گہہ دربار رسول مدنی را مدنی را مدنی را
شاعر : عبدالرحمٰن جامی
زبان : فارسی
Labels: My likings
Hello world, this is 8AM and I am at the peak of boredom..
I am roaming and wandering on web aimlessly. Feeling like
a dumb idiot....eeeeekkkkk, this is what I am looking like.
Labels: Miscellany
کتنی رنگین کارٹ ہے، میرا اس کو چلانے / دوڑانے
کا جی چاہ رہا ہے پر اس کے لیے گوالے کی تربیت
درکار ہے اور میرے پاس وہ نہیں ہے ـ
پیرا میٹر یہاں وہاں ہو جائے تو ساری محنت گئی پانی میں ،
اب بتائیے کہ مجھے یہ خبط کیونکر ہو چلا ہے تو جواب ہے کہ
سائیٹ میں کچھ اچھے افیکٹس لائے جا سکیں -
اس وقت میرے ہاتھ میں سپیگھٹی کی پلیٹ ہے اور جاوا سے
نمٹنا سپیگھٹی کے ایک ایک تار کو سلجھانے جیسا ھے ـ اللہ معاف
کرے ـ
Labels: Miscellany